Name | Description | Administer |
Main_Lab_Rm0144_calendar | SEM fume hood, TEM fume hood, bench top, Grid staining area (Please indicate which space you want to book on the booking calendar). | |
Staff_Availability_at_BIF | | |
Leica_AFS2_Automatic_Freeze_Substitution_machine |
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Leica_ICE_High_Pressure_Freezer |
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FEI_G20_LaB6_TEM | 200kV HRTEM, CryoTEM, Electron Tomography | |
FEI_Tecnai_Spirit_TEM_120kV | 120kV TEM | |
Hitachi_S2600N_Variable_Pressure_SEM | SEM, EDX | |
Zeiss_CrossBeam350_CryoFIB_SEM | Field emission (FE) SEM, Focused ion beam (FIB) milling, EDX, CryoSEM, CryoFIB | |
Dragonfly_Pro_Computer | | |
Image_processing_computers_in_Rm0135 | Left computer for the Evident cellSens&Leica LAS software, Right computer for AMIRA, Inspect3D and Oxford Aztec software (please indicate which computer you want to book on the booking calendar). | |
Evident_SpinSR_Spinning_Disk_Confocal_Microscope | Inverted microscope, live-cell imaging | |
Olympus_BX53_Light_Fluorescence_Microscope | Bright Field, Dark Field, Phase Contrast, DIC imaging, Stitching/tiling | |
Olympus_FV1000_Confocal_Multiphoton_Microscope | Single-photon confocal imaging and Multi-photon imaging with MaiTai DeepSee laser, upright microscope | |
Olympus_SZX10_Stereomicroscope |
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Leica_UC7_Ultramicrotome_Cryomicrotome |
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Leica_Ultracut_T_ultramicrotome |
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Leica_VT1000_Vibratome |
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Cressington_High_Resolution_Sputter_Coater_and_Leica_ACE600_Coater |
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Tousimis_Critical_Point_Dryer |
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